Solving the World’s Water Crisis

AW International is dedicated to providing sustainable solutions affecting millions of people. Clean water should be accessible, not just acceptable.


Making water scarcity an opportunity

Find out what is happening to our planet’s water

By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two thirds of the world’s population could be living under water-stressed conditions.

By 2030, 47% of the world’s population will be living in areas of high water stress. Population will continue to grow. Water issues will become even more alarming.

Water Crisis in the Oil & Gas Industry

In addition to drinking water, the demand for water in industrial applications will continue to increase alongside population and economic growth. For example, the International Energy Agency (“IEA”) estimates that water consumed for energy production will increase to 135 billion cubic meters by 2035, or about 4 times the size of the largest U.S. reservoir, Hoover Dam’s Lake Mead.

In Texas, the hotbed for the United States’ exploding natural gas hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) activities, serious water shortages are creating challenges for the oil and gas industry and the local municipalities. According to a 2014 report from Ceres, fracking activities in Texas consumed over 45 billion gallons of fresh water from January 2011 through May 2013, draining many of the aquifers and groundwater supplies.

Of the total world water supply, approximately 97.5% is saltwater. Most of the remaining 2.5% is locked in ice and snow cover. Less than 1% of the earth’s freshwater supply is available for use by the world’s population.

According to the United Nations, water is increasingly scarce and affects every continent.

Atmospheric Water Generation

A responsible, smart solution to the planet’s water crisis

A Fresh Water Source

Tapping into the Atmosphere

Responsible technology

The atmosphere contains an untapped, almost limitless supply of fresh water that can be harvested through atmospheric water generation. Since water vapor in the atmosphere is constantly being replenished, there is no negative effect from harvesting this resource.

Making water accessible

Our systems are designed to cost-effectively produce clean water for various applications ranging from oil and gas exploration to vertical farming, to drinking water for homes, offices, and communities. 

Addressing the questions

Why wait for the water vapor to condense and fall as snow, melt in the spring, run down rivers or into ground water, and then be pumped to you? Why risk it being either diverted or polluted before it gets to you?

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Making water out of thin air

AW International harnesses the power of the natural elements

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